Wednesday 3 January 2018

December 2017

The Whitfield and Noel labs enjoyed a festive meal and white elephant gift swap to end the year:

Emma Kenyon's paper on screening for otoprotectants (collaboration with Sarah Baxendale and SZSU) is now out at JCI Insight.

Davide gave an excellent talk at the Anatomical Society Winter Meeting in Dundee.

Ana, Anzar, Sarah Baxendale and Tanya attended the BBSRC White Rose DTP symposium at the University of York.  It was nice to catch up with Betsy Pownall and Harv Isaacs!

Welcome to Tania Mendonca, who joins the Frangi team (CISTIB, Faculty of Engineering) to help with analysis of our light-sheet microscopy data.

We enjoyed a visit and seminar on damage and repair in the vestibular system from Jordi Llorens (Universitat de Barcelona).

November 2017

Welcome to Suraj Patel and Ioannis Paschalidis, who are undertaking their final year undergraduate projects in the lab.

Tanya visited the Kelsh group and gave a talk at the University of Bath.